Team Building & Leadership Development
Perhaps the most important thing we did during our week at camp was take the time to get to know each other, and to get to know ourselves. From the very first day, campers played games and had discussions in small groups, ate meals family style, solved problems together on the teams course, and helped each other with projects. Cabin groups also participated in diversity workshops and service project discussions about important issues they care about. By the time of our closing Council Fire the last night of camp, the strength of our community was clear, as each camper and staff member was celebrated for her accomplishment.
To further grow as leaders, girls explored what leadership means to them and worked together to think about how to act as leaders in their lives. Leadership development activities at camp included collage-making, discussion groups, teams course, climbing wall, and self-defense. Throughout this school year leading up to Camp Sojourner 2009, girls will work together in groups on service learning projects related to issues that they care about. Our Youth Advisory Board members, also, will continue to learn about the inner workings of building a non-profit organization and help to make decisions about the summer program.

Campers completing a group problem solving initiative

Group huddle in order to solve a challenge on the teams course

Campers unwinding from “the human knot”

Alishanda on the climbing wall

Nateisha makes it to the top of the climbing wall

Nateisha and Sumolia being supported by Leigh, our Nature instructor, as they climb

Jen, our fine arts instructor, also teaches self-defense

Staff on the teams course during staff training

Nykeia makes it across

Staff complete a group challenge

Shakyla and Patrese have to lean on each other in order to complete their challenge

Leigh and Sarah make it further on this challenge than any other pairs

Oldest campers read about the “four corners” at closing night Council Fire