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We offer girls activities throughout the year, including our summer program, Camp Sojourner, and monthly trips to local destinations to enjoy nature hikes, college tours, creative arts, and service projects. We also offer our weekly Teen Leadership Institute for returning teen campers. We have switched to online programming at various times during the pandemic, and have our in-person activities mostly outdoors and masked.

Camp Sojourner

Camp Sojourner is an overnight camp for girls ages 8-18, with older teens working as junior counselors. Our camp program focuses on team building, leadership development, self-expression through creative arts, and appreciation of nature.

We will be resuming in-person overnight camp in August 2022, at our new camp site in the Catskill mountains.  More details regarding 2022 camp session can be found here.

Activities at camp include: swimming, boating, hiking, team-building, campfires, archery, and creative arts such as singing, dancing, drawing, painting, drumming, acting, sewing, photography, and woodworking. We eat family style in a large dining hall, and sleep in modern wood cabins. We will have COVID safety measures in place to mitigate the risk of transmission during camp. Please see application materials for detailed description.

Year-Round Activities

Campers watering garden plots at Bartram’s Garden

We host activities year-round with girls of all ages, including our Teen Leadership Institute, College Prep Squad, Bartram’s Garden/Sankofa Community Farm, creative arts in partnership with Artwell, self-defense classes, college tours, and more.  Many of our year-round activities take place at the Calvary Center for Community and Culture. Girls who have been to camp can participate in these activities, as well as new girls–our teen programs are for returning teens only.

Teen Leadership Institute

We believe that in order for young people to grow as leaders, they must be given authentic opportunities to act as leaders.

Teen Leadership Interns 2012

Our Teen Leadership Institute meets once a month and works together with Camp Sojourner staff to plan activities and projects for the rest of our camp community, while developing leadership skills such as public speaking, facilitation, and goal setting. TLI members also give key input on organizational programs and decisions.


We believe that being a leader means both taking charge of your own life and working to make the world a better place. Each year our campers choose an area of focus and complete service projects related to those areas. This year, our teen leaders have chosen Immigration Justice as the focus topic that they want to work on, and we are working with local groups to develop an action project that will help make a positive impact. In the past we have worked with Bartram’s Garden and the Urban Nutrition Initiative to to help build a new community garden and farm while learning about the environmental impact of growing our own food. We have also worked in partnership with Women Organized Against Rape (WOAR) and the Clean Air Council of Philadelphia.